If you have combination skin, you’re probably well aware of the fact that it’s not an easy condition to manage. Your face is likely to experience a variety of conditions and problems—like redness, dry patches, and clogged pores—at different times. This can make it difficult to find the right skincare products that work for your unique needs. But don’t worry! We’ve got some helpful tips on how to take control of your complexion so it stays healthy and radiant no matter what Mother Nature throws at it!
Overactive oil glands
You’re not alone. Most people have combination skin, and some even experience the same issues. There are a few things you can do to help keep your skin on track and balanced.
First, stop using products that contain alcohol or harsh chemicals! Alcohol strips away your natural oils and makes them produce more oil in response. You may think this is a good thing at first because you want less oily-looking skin, but all that extra oil will just lead to breakouts and clogged pores down the road.
Second, try removing one source of stress from your life: spicy food! Spicy foods increase body temperature which causes pores to open up for more oil production (or so says my friend who works in dermatology). Plus they make me sweat more than normal; sweating increases my likelihood for breakouts too!
Pores that clog easily
This kind of skin is prone to clogging, so you'll want to take extra care when it comes to exfoliation. Use a gentle exfoliator once or twice per week and use a cleanser that won't strip all the natural oils from your face. If you notice that the retinol in your moisturizer causes irritation, try switching it out for something lighter like kojic acid.
Finally, clay masks are great at unclogging pores and helping reduce breakouts—just make sure not to overdo it with those!
Dry, flaky patches
If your skin is very dry, flaky patches are likely to be a major issue for you. If this is the case, it's important to focus on using moisturizers that are lightweight and oil-free (a good place to start is with an oil-free daily moisturizer). It's also important to find a moisturizer that won't clog pores or cause breakouts. A hypoallergenic moisturizer will both provide the hydration necessary while remaining gentle enough on sensitive skin.
If you have oily skin, then getting rid of flaky patches is less of an issue than preventing them in the first place.
If you have redness, it's likely caused by inflammation. Redness is a sign of inflammation in the skin, which can be caused by environmental factors like sun exposure or smoking, stress, and hormonal fluctuations during puberty and menstruation.
The good new is that redness can be treated with the right moisturizing cream. These creams work by decreasing swelling so that your skin doesn't look as inflamed once it heals. They also boost moisture production so that your body retains more water and stays supple instead of dry from over-cleansing or harsh ingredients in other skincare products.
If you're looking for something more natural-sounding than "reducing swelling," then "hydrating", anti-inflammatory creams might be the way forward for you. Hydrating moisturizing creams have been used for centuries as an anti-fungal remedy for acne bacteria.
Skincare doesn't have to be complicated!
You don't need to buy a separate product for each skin type. It's all about what works for your skin and the ingredients that are in it.
When looking at the ingredients, look for something with natural or organic ingredients and cruelty free products—that means no animal testing!
Some people might be surprised to learn that many common skincare products contain animal-derived ingredients like lanolin and beeswax.
If you're struggling with combination skin, don't worry! There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to skincare. It's all about finding what works best for your unique needs and preferences. We hope this guide has helped you on your journey toward finding a skincare routine that works for you!